Sunday, February 1, 2009

Today I Appreciate Los Angeles Weather

Weather is never, ever something someone should take for granted. I'm probably not really one to talk, given the fact that I've lived in California my entire life and have never experienced living in terrible weather conditions, but the fact that it's sunshiny almost every day in L.A. will never cease to amaze and delight me.

In short, I'm blaming the weather for the fact that I haven't written the past four days? Five days? Eek. I'm lagging on this. Keep me motivated!

Anyway, it's not that I'm an "active" or "sporty" person, but rather I enjoy letting the sun soak all the way through me. I love it when my hair gets so hot, I can barely touch it without feeling like I just burnt my hand. I love it when I feel like the sun melts my chilly toes. Therefore, I've spent the past few days outside as much as possible, starting with Friday, where I sat reading a book outside for a few hours, then yesterday when I trekked through L.A.'s Runyan Canyon, and then today, walking to and from the library.

It's a cliche, but weather really is a mood lifter. As much as I enjoy the smell of rain, the peaceful soporific sensations one gets when the air is gray and cloudy, and the slower pace of a cold day, I'm more energized by brightness, by activity, and by the sense of movement that one feels on a sunny day. Some days, I just want to suck up the sun's rays through a needle and inject it through my blood stream, so I never feel at a loss for energy.

The only problem with sunshine is that while it initially energizes, it can also burn you out (no pun intended) quickly. For every day I've spent running around outside, I've finished the day completely exhausted, longing to return to bed. Alas, the sun is a merciless force (for better or for worse) and also cuts off my sleep before my body would ideally like, streaming through my windows early in the morning, beckoning me to recycle my energy all over again.

I'm not sure I would like it any other way, though. I appreciate the climate's desire to get me moving, to get me active, and to get me engaged. Otherwise, I know that I'd spend my days holed up in my room with a book, probably pretty content, but not quite as excited, not quite as ready to keep exploring and discovering more.

Again, weather affecting mood is a bit cliche and nothing terribly groundbreaking in my own personal reflection, but sometimes it's exactly what one needs to realize that every day truly is a new day and that minor setbacks can at least be temporarily dissipated with a good shot of fresh air and sunny skies in one's system.


  1. i really think i'm the only person in southern california who doesn't like the weather. i should've gone to college in seattle. i prefer being able to layer on as many clothes as possible. to have goosebumps and a chill and not be sweating. to have hot drinks and feel it go down. to breathe crisp cool air, the sharp and absolutely perfect lighting just after a rain. to stomp in puddles and rainwater dripping off of everything. THAT is what makes me feel alive.

  2. I think Mother Nature went too far here in Pasadena. It's just too damn beautiful. After spending four hours in the middle of the night attempting to finish an impossible midterm or final, the worst feeling is going outside just when the sun is coming up. You're miserable, tired, your brain hurts and the sun is shining, the grass is lush and green, and little squirrels are scampering about as content as can be. It's as though nature conspired to be as warm and happy as possible just to rub it in.

    But that's just me. I guess Caltech should have been built somewhere with weather as miserable as the place itself. Maybe Siberia.

    Also, I think "sun rays in a needle" is heroin.

  3. Jessie: I guess it's really the appreciation of all climates. After all, we can appreciate sunshine more after bouts of cold and wintry weather. :) Your descriptions are beautiful; they almost make me want snow in L.A. Almost.

    Joe: Think of nature not as a malicious, bullying source, but rather as a source of pleasantry! Nature isn't rubbing the good weather in your face; it's reminding you that there's life outside of Tech. Right... ?

    Also, sunshine in a needle is NOT heroin. A party in a needle is heroin.

  4. Wha...? Life...outside...of Tech? I call bullshit.

  5. Also, on a whim I googled "party in a needle." It gives me two results, neither of which are heroin. It seems that the "party in a needle" is a vaginal collagen injection that is purported to provide women with bigger orgasms. If you don't believe me, search it for yourself.
