Thursday, July 8, 2010

Today I Appreciate Runs That Don't Feel Like Death

Whenever people describe their runs as "invigorating," "refreshing," etc, I consistently feel this distinct need to - well - shut them up. Because, honestly, if you're not some kind of real athlete, do you REALLY enjoy running that much? Like, really? Maybe I'm just lazy and have not quite reached that "runners' high" experience so many profess to have experienced. Either that or I was born without that essential "running-is-fun-AND-good-for-you" gene (like eating your vegetables!). Yes, let's blame it on genes.

In any case, I had one of these moments today where running kind of was one of these refreshing experiences, where I came back a wee bit tired, but not to the point where I wanted to just collapse into bed and watch as my dehydrated soul slumped back with me defeated.

Yet the weather was crisp today and the sky was clear and it made me think, "Good God, I hope I end up somewhere where I can be outside sometimes at some point in the year and not be miserably hot/cold." Of course, that place can really only be L.A. So, go figure that L.A. is not really in the cards after this year.

Anyway, these thoughts are not to be one of those "self-indulgent look-at-me runners" because - frankly - eating a whole bunch of cheesecake would probably make me feel equally as good (though in an entirely different way). This run today just felt like one of those experiences that needed to be shared, as exemplary of all of the right conditions combined together in lazy July.


  1. lucky. I have yet to experience a run that gives me a happy endorphin high. Just makes me super tired and jello-legged. but I suppose that's why I like to dance, it's like exercise, in disguise!

  2. Mmmm cheesecake! Yeah I am not a fan of running at all. I think you're either a runner or you're not. I am definitely not :)
